Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Bon voyage.

Hello there.

Welcome to the commissioning of my first official blog post.

I just came back from the movie Zombie-land, and should be working on my school work.

I have decided to commit to this blog, and not let it become just another link collecting digital cobwebs on my computer.

The movie was alright, although it contained a lot of gore and language.

The premise is essentially about 4 survivors of a massive zombie infested pandemic, who meet up and try to survive.

The main character (a teenage guy who has way too many phobias and a socializing problem)
has a list of rules he has collected through his zombie-surviving experience.
All of them seemed pretty reasonable to me (Rule: Bathrooms are dangerous)
except for one of them.
Rule #17
Don't be a hero.

I want to be a superhero, no joke.
But do I truly know what that entails?
A hero is diving into something, head first, fists clenched, and knowing that my act of courage may turn into my greatest, and last stand.

I believe being corageous does not make a hero.

I can run into a burning building and rescue a child from imminent danger, and the newspaper would call me a hero.
However, if I come around the corner of my street, and there's a fire wreaking havoc on an apartment, will I run into it everytime?

I can stand on the sidewalk with all the onlookers, our hearts aching, wishing with every bone inside me that everyone is ok, and not be looked down on, or expected more of.

Heroes however, are given higher standards.
A hero gives up himself for the greater good, but understands that he is greater than the common good.
Knowing that you are hero is what defines a situation between instinct kicking in and you doing something corageous, and knowing it is your divine destiny to be corageous.


1 comment:

  1. Zombieland was awesome =) seen it twice.

    Where is you post about our trip to Blairmore =(
    :P anyways ill think of somthing interesting to write back sooner or later.

